
EBI West Conference!

Just a FYI here – I am speaking at this weekend’s EBI West conference organized by Ritholtz Wealth. This is one of the best investment conferences of the year. You won’t be disappointed if you attend. Last year I drank 10 margaritas in the pool and still won the competition for the speaker who did the best underwater handstand. I don’t remember my talk after all that, but I can assure you it was great. Just kidding. I can’t drink 10 margaritas. Not because I don’t want to (I do), but because my body can’t physically process that much sugar without ending up in bed all day the next day.

Anyhow, come see me talk about the future of financial advice on a panel with Kris Venne, Carolyn Gowen, Mike Lambrakis and Michael Khouw on Monday at 1:45PM. Or at least come see Ken Fisher give the keynote and do me a favor and pretend to be excited to see my panel.

Hope to see many of you there!