Smart beta is the new buzzword on Wall Street. No one really knows what it is because the term doesn’t have a specific definition, but the easiest way to understand what “smart beta” funds do is that they’re basically tweaking index funds to try to generate some extra return.
Category: Investment Strategy
Can we All Agree to Stop Comparing Everything to the S&P 500?
Benchmarking is a pernicious thing in financial circles.
Is the Stock Market a Zero Sum Game?
I got this question in the forum over the weekend and I think it’s an important one since I seem to get it quite often. It’s interesting to note that [ … ]
Outperforming the S&P 500 is not Easy. Don’t Be Fooled Otherwise.
I was browsing MarketWatch and noticed this article titled “Beating the market is easy”. It’s a catchy title and I like to beat the market so I clicked on the [ … ]