2017 is coming to a close and the largest, but least talked about market in the world had another outstanding year. Despite the never-ending predictions about rising rates and a [ … ]
Category: Most Recent Stories
The State of the Trump Bubble
When all is said and done with the Trump Presidency I suspect we’ll remember the era as “The Trump Bubble”. As I outlined earlier this year and on election night [ … ]
Will the Repeal of Net Neutrality Destroy the Internet?
The FCC voted to repeal net neutrality rules yesterday. That basically means that internet service providers have more control over the flow of internet traffic into your home. The worry [ … ]
Oh, you bought a Tesla? Oh, you bought a million dollar home? Oh, you bought the new iPhone X? IDGAF. That stands for I Don’t Give A Fuck. Sorry to [ … ]
Elasticity of Money is a Feature, not a Bug
I am seeing a good deal of misunderstanding arise with the popularity of Bitcoin. Much of this seems to stem from a gold standard style of thinking. It can basically [ … ]
How Will The Bitcoin Mania End? Part Deux
This is Part 2 in my series on cryptocurrencies and how I think they’ll change the economy. In this post I will discuss why I think crypto will lead to [ … ]
Why Fed Narratives Can be Dangerous for your Portfolio
Over the course of my career I’ve endured endless Federal Reserve conspiracy theories. I’ve known people who stayed away from the stock market for the entirety of the last 20 [ … ]
Beware the Parade of Annual Stock Market Forecasts
We all have to make forecasts when it comes to investing. But how we develop those forecasts can be the difference between high probability outcomes and low probability outcomes. For [ … ]
There’s (STILL) Deflation in Hyperinflation Forecasts
Is it just me or has there been a resurgence in the number of people who worry about hyperinflation? I don’t engage in these conversations too often anymore because they’re [ … ]